"ghePX is ExpeCting THe UnExpecteD"..
--- If You can't AMAZE people With your INTELLIGENCE, CONFUSE them with your STUPIDITY---- =']
.. a GOD-FEARING human.. a PSYCHOPaTHIC CreaTuRe.. a SUPER LUNATIC Person.. a "NONSENSE" introvert earthling.. :) who Loves to shaRe her eVERY moment with that SOMEONE SPECIAL in her LiFe.. :) a CRAZY Little lass Who Loves to Play and sing with heR guitar.. a HILARIOUS being whO always puts a smile on her face.. an ENIGMATIC individual who loves to LAUGH. LAUGH... and LAUGH.. all the time.. :) a mortal with an INDESCRIBABLE emotion.. :)
..She's So iNLOVE with Music!!.. That's Her passioN.. :)
.. She LOve's to speNd her time.. Doodling in Her NotebOok.. W