This document summarizes the questions and answers from a regional prelims competition held on March 13, 2009 in Chennai, India. It includes two rounds of questions - one with 20 general knowledge questions about business, entertainment, and current events, and another "wild card" round with 11 additional questions. The questions are multiple choice or require identifying people, companies, logos, advertisements. The answers are provided on slides immediately following each question.
20. Question 10
Which company was founded
by Cecil H. Green, J. Erik
Jonsson, Eugene McDermott,
and Patrick E. Haggerty in
(Clue given: IC suppliers to
mobile phone manufacturers)
28. Question 14
This company introduced the first
combination portable radio and
cassette recorder which is
marketed as the quot;radiorecorderquot;.
Some picture shown ---- Jubilee 4.
Identify the company.
52. Question 7
Name the term used to describe
a fraudulent investment
operation that pays returns to
investors from their own money
or money paid by subsequent
investors rather than from any
actual profit earned?
73. Question 6
What product was developed by
Australia-based Scottish-born
inventor William Ramsay, who
named it as a homage to his
New-Zealand born wife, Annie
Elizabeth Meek Ramsay?
81. Question 10
This pharma company founded
in Bunnythorpe, New Zealand in
1904. The main product was
believed to have innocently
created for a mother who was
unable to breast feed her child.
83. Question 11
This brand of soap has been
made in India since 1934 and is
market leader in its segment.
The name of the brand comes
from a arabic word meaning
public bathing establishment.