I am a medical student of 5th in the Universitat Rovira I Virgili in Reus (Tarragona) and I do the practices in the Hospital Sant Joan de Reus (HSJR). This year I am doing the Erasmus program in Poland, in order to improve my medical knowledge in English and to see different ways of working. The city where I am doing the Erasmus is Bydgoszcz, in Collegium Medicum in Nicolaus Copernicus University (UMK), and my practices are hold in the Szpital Uniwersytecki im. dr. Antoniego Jurasza and Szpital Uniwersytecki nr 2 im. dr. Jana Biziela.
On the one hand, I consider myself as a serious and constant person at work. There is one remarkably characteristic of me, no m...