i am me..
*nothing special..
*i have a sport
*im lame...(WHY AM I SO negative?)
*im trying to live my life with no regrets.. "trying"
*do i even matter at all??
*i hate it when you don't spend much time with me.
*i don't wanna be taken for granted.NO!
*i take chances. i take risks.(all life is a chance)
*i am by my own admission a hopeless romantic. so don't be so sweet to me..
*imma people pleASAH...
*i love the new,different and unusual in life! i want to have fun all the time.
*a bottle of wine helps..*wink*
*i hate restrictions.ergh!
*music keeps me sane so don't dare take it away from moi!
*im lazy when it rains.commiserating over a cup of coffee is what i d