The Effects of Pipe Material and Age on the Formation of Disinfection By Pr...Marwan Haddad
This document describes a study on the effects of pipe material and age on the formation of disinfection by-products (DBPs) in the Nablus water network in Palestine. Samples were taken from various locations in the network including sources, reservoirs, and the distribution system. The samples were analyzed for levels of trihalomethanes (THMs), a group of DBPs. The results showed that all but one sample had THM levels below the maximum contaminant levels set by the EPA and Palestinian standards, though one sample exceeded the EPA limit. The document provides background on water sources, treatment processes, the sampling plan and locations, analytical methods used to measure THMs, and a table of results.
Future Trends in Agricultural Water Management and Institutional (2)Marwan Haddad
(1) The document discusses future trends in agricultural water management and institutional innovations in Palestine. It outlines problems facing the Palestinian agricultural sector such as declining resources, reliance on Israeli imports, weak infrastructure and support services, and overpumping of groundwater.
(2) Prospects for improving the sector are identified as building human and institutional capacities, increasing private sector involvement, gaining international support, and reforming water management practices like irrigation and harvesting rainwater.
(3) The author proposes a "sustainable agricultural water management tripod" involving balanced management of resources, water uses, and environmental impacts. Institutional reforms are also recommended like unifying policies, empowering farmers, and integrating stakeholder efforts.
This document discusses the role of universities and research institutions in controlling and managing pollutants in irrigation water through good governance. It states that while universities in developed countries play a leading role by providing data, analysis, and policy input, universities in developing countries often have little contribution and unclear roles. The document calls for (1) understanding current national governance practices, (2) learning from challenges, and (3) implementing a dynamic plan to engage universities in the sector. Good governance requires exploring innovative ideas, analyzing data, converging findings, and continuously improving policies. Priorities should include control measures, funding support, and integrating stakeholders like governments, farmers, and the private sector.
water management separate vs joint nov 2010 (2)Marwan Haddad
This document discusses water management options for Palestine and Israel, comparing separate vs. joint management approaches. It argues that a joint one water authority with one water supply system would be most sustainable and efficient, ensuring water access for all people equally. However, it acknowledges this would be very difficult due to lack of trust and other political/social factors. Ultimately, it advocates for a one-state solution with Palestinians and Israelis having equal rights and access to land and water resources, as separate Palestinian and Israeli states will not achieve a just or sustainable resolution.
Evaluation of Constructed Wetland as Secondary Wastewater Treatment, Source f...Marwan Haddad
The document summarizes a study that evaluated using a constructed wetland as a secondary wastewater treatment system and source for tertiary treatment in Palestine. Key findings:
- The constructed wetland achieved average BOD and TSS removal rates of 73.4% and 82%, meeting standards for secondary treatment.
- An ultrafiltration/reverse osmosis system further improved water quality but had high fouling and costs of $5.65/cubic meter, making it unsuitable for small communities.
- Spineless cactus and bananas grew well in the wetland, indicating its potential for economic crops, while orchard trees struggled.
- The wetland provided low-cost, low-maintenance secondary
limestone contactors for small water supply systemsMarwan Haddad
A study investigated using limestone contactors to mitigate corrosion in small water systems using acidic water. A mathematical model was developed relating limestone dissolution to water chemistry and contactor properties to design contactors. Laboratory and field experiments validated the computer model in determining optimal contactor size, limestone grade, replenishment needs, and effluent quality at lowest cost.
innovation and research seminar June 7 2016Marwan Haddad
This document discusses the importance of innovation in PhD research. It emphasizes that PhD students should ask central questions and master the links between education, research, and innovation to shape the future. Innovation in research is needed and students can be innovative if they understand what is required, such as mastering core courses, theory, analysis skills, and conducting organized thesis work. The document also compares American and European PhD systems and discusses the role of governments in matching academic research to national development needs. It provides tips for starting research, such as reading extensively, thinking, observing, interviewing, and testing on a small scale before collecting data and drawing conclusions. Innovation is defined as new ideas or methods that meet needs better than before. Open innovation involves continuously
Hydroponic systems for wastewater resue (2)Marwan Haddad
The document reports on the results of tests of various crops grown in horizontal flow and vertical hydroponic systems. Crops tested included eggplants, winter squash, cherry tomatoes, green beans, and various cut flowers. Water quality parameters and biomass production are presented for different sections of the hydroponic systems. The vertical flow system achieved higher yields than traditional agricultural practices for several crops such as winter squash, corn, and cherry tomatoes. Removal rates of 70-71% were observed for BOD and 43-56% for COD.
Hydroponic systems for wastewater resue (3)Marwan Haddad
This document contains summaries of experiments conducted by multiple master's students between November 26-28, 2010 under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Marwan Haddad. The experiments include a gradual pot experiment testing the ability of different crop types to remove pollutants from effluent water. A second experiment tested barley cultivation and salinity management in brackish and treated wastewater irrigation. A third experiment involved growing plants in hydroponic pipes. Charts and figures are included showing results of pollutant removal and effects of different salinity levels on barley growth.
Hydroponic systems for wastewater resue (1)Marwan Haddad
The document describes a project from 2007-2011 that involved setting up a pilot plant and environmental laboratory to study decentralized wastewater treatment and reuse in arid regions using hydroponics systems. A hydroponic greenhouse experiment was conducted planting barley cultivars in five experimental clusters with different concentrations of treated wastewater. The project aimed to monitor the pilot plant operation and gather stakeholder attitudes to wastewater reuse through workshops and questionnaires.
This document summarizes a study that evaluated pesticide residue levels of imidacloprid and abamectin on tomato, cucumber, and pepper plants after spraying. Researchers sprayed the pesticides at concentrations commonly used by farmers in Palestine and measured residue levels on plant parts and in soil over 10 days using HPLC. Residue levels of both pesticides were higher than levels found in previous studies and exceeded maximum residue limits for the first 5 days. Abamectin residues were higher than imidacloprid residues, and both pesticides showed higher soil residues compared to plant residues. The degradation rates of the pesticides in soil followed first-order kinetics with high correlation.
- Universities and research institutions in developed countries play a leading role in providing data and analysis to inform policy on pollutants in irrigation water. They work closely with the private and public sectors.
- In contrast, universities and research institutions in developing countries have little contribution to policy evaluation and improvement. They operate in isolation without support.
- To improve governance of pollutants, countries need to understand current national models and learn from challenges. They must also develop plans to actively engage universities and research in monitoring, analyzing data, and advising upgraded policies.
This document describes using the Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) model as a decision support system (DSS) tool to evaluate water management options for the Tulkarem district in Palestine under different scenarios. Key points:
- WEAP was used to model the Tulkarem district water resources system, which includes municipal, agricultural, and other water demands and supplies.
- Stakeholder surveys identified the most important water management issues as agricultural management and physical/political water constraints.
- The model results can help water managers evaluate options to improve sustainable water resources development and management in the district.
This document evaluates water management options in Palestine to increase food security using the WEAP simulation model. It summarizes the current state of water resources and agriculture in Palestine, which faces restrictions from Israeli occupation. Three political scenarios are modeled from 2003-2025. Simulations show political status greatly impacts water availability and unmet demand, affecting food security. Water management modules like trading and pricing can reduce future water demand and positively impact food security in Palestine.
Fate and Mobility of Glyphosate Leachate in Palestinian Soil Using SoilMarwan Haddad
This document summarizes a study on the fate and mobility of glyphosate leachate in Palestinian soil using soil column experiments. The key findings are:
1) Using column studies, the amount of glyphosate in soil decreases with increasing soil depth, with the highest levels found in the 0-30cm layer.
2) Increasing the concentration of glyphosate applied also increases the amount of glyphosate found in leachate, with 25x concentration having the highest levels.
3) The behavior of glyphosate leachate fits first-order reaction kinetics and adsorption isotherm models, indicating glyphosate adsorbs well to soil.
Persistence and Mobility of Imidacloprid and Abamectin ResiduesMarwan Haddad
This document summarizes a study on the persistence and mobility of the pesticides imidacloprid and abamectin in greenhouse soil in Palestine. The study found that:
1) The degradation of imidacloprid and abamectin in soil followed second-order reaction kinetics and their leachability/transport to groundwater was rated as moderate to slightly high.
2) Both pesticides showed increasing adsorption on soil surfaces at higher concentrations.
3) The observed half-lives for imidacloprid and abamectin in soil were 61 and 41 days, respectively.
4) Mobility constants for both pesticides in the tested soil were higher than literature
The Response of Chickpea to Irrigation with Treated journal paperMarwan Haddad
This study assessed the effect of irrigation with treated wastewater (TW) versus freshwater (FW) on four chickpea cultivars over three years. Wastewater from a university campus was treated in a small-scale plant to reduce BOD, COD and EC to acceptable levels. Two cultivars, Bulgarit and ICC 11293, showed no reduction in yield or quality when irrigated with TW compared to FW. However, the WIR-32 and Jordan cultivars showed significant growth reductions with TW irrigation. Soil analysis found no significant differences between TW and FW irrigation.
The Response of Chickpea Cultivars to Irrigation with Treated WastewaterMarwan Haddad
This document summarizes a three-year study on the response of four chickpea cultivars (Bulgarit, WIR-32, Jordan, ICC 11293) to irrigation with treated wastewater versus freshwater. The results showed that the Bulgarit and ICC 11293 cultivars maintained yield when irrigated with treated wastewater, and even saw some biological growth improvements. However, the WIR-32 and Jordan cultivars showed significant yield reductions when irrigated with treated wastewater compared to freshwater. Soil analysis found no significant difference between the two irrigation water types.
This document discusses the role of universities and research institutions in controlling and managing pollutants in irrigation water through good governance. It states that while universities in developed countries play a leading role by providing data, analysis, and policy input, universities in developing countries often have little contribution and unclear roles. The document calls for (1) understanding current national governance practices, (2) learning from challenges, and (3) implementing a dynamic plan to engage universities in the sector. Good governance requires exploring innovative ideas, analyzing data, converging findings, and continuously improving policies. Priorities should include control measures, funding support, and integrating stakeholders like governments, farmers, and the private sector.
water management separate vs joint nov 2010 (2)Marwan Haddad
This document discusses water management options for Palestine and Israel, comparing separate vs. joint management approaches. It argues that a joint one water authority with one water supply system would be most sustainable and efficient, ensuring water access for all people equally. However, it acknowledges this would be very difficult due to lack of trust and other political/social factors. Ultimately, it advocates for a one-state solution with Palestinians and Israelis having equal rights and access to land and water resources, as separate Palestinian and Israeli states will not achieve a just or sustainable resolution.
Evaluation of Constructed Wetland as Secondary Wastewater Treatment, Source f...Marwan Haddad
The document summarizes a study that evaluated using a constructed wetland as a secondary wastewater treatment system and source for tertiary treatment in Palestine. Key findings:
- The constructed wetland achieved average BOD and TSS removal rates of 73.4% and 82%, meeting standards for secondary treatment.
- An ultrafiltration/reverse osmosis system further improved water quality but had high fouling and costs of $5.65/cubic meter, making it unsuitable for small communities.
- Spineless cactus and bananas grew well in the wetland, indicating its potential for economic crops, while orchard trees struggled.
- The wetland provided low-cost, low-maintenance secondary
limestone contactors for small water supply systemsMarwan Haddad
A study investigated using limestone contactors to mitigate corrosion in small water systems using acidic water. A mathematical model was developed relating limestone dissolution to water chemistry and contactor properties to design contactors. Laboratory and field experiments validated the computer model in determining optimal contactor size, limestone grade, replenishment needs, and effluent quality at lowest cost.
innovation and research seminar June 7 2016Marwan Haddad
This document discusses the importance of innovation in PhD research. It emphasizes that PhD students should ask central questions and master the links between education, research, and innovation to shape the future. Innovation in research is needed and students can be innovative if they understand what is required, such as mastering core courses, theory, analysis skills, and conducting organized thesis work. The document also compares American and European PhD systems and discusses the role of governments in matching academic research to national development needs. It provides tips for starting research, such as reading extensively, thinking, observing, interviewing, and testing on a small scale before collecting data and drawing conclusions. Innovation is defined as new ideas or methods that meet needs better than before. Open innovation involves continuously
Hydroponic systems for wastewater resue (2)Marwan Haddad
The document reports on the results of tests of various crops grown in horizontal flow and vertical hydroponic systems. Crops tested included eggplants, winter squash, cherry tomatoes, green beans, and various cut flowers. Water quality parameters and biomass production are presented for different sections of the hydroponic systems. The vertical flow system achieved higher yields than traditional agricultural practices for several crops such as winter squash, corn, and cherry tomatoes. Removal rates of 70-71% were observed for BOD and 43-56% for COD.
Hydroponic systems for wastewater resue (3)Marwan Haddad
This document contains summaries of experiments conducted by multiple master's students between November 26-28, 2010 under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Marwan Haddad. The experiments include a gradual pot experiment testing the ability of different crop types to remove pollutants from effluent water. A second experiment tested barley cultivation and salinity management in brackish and treated wastewater irrigation. A third experiment involved growing plants in hydroponic pipes. Charts and figures are included showing results of pollutant removal and effects of different salinity levels on barley growth.
Hydroponic systems for wastewater resue (1)Marwan Haddad
The document describes a project from 2007-2011 that involved setting up a pilot plant and environmental laboratory to study decentralized wastewater treatment and reuse in arid regions using hydroponics systems. A hydroponic greenhouse experiment was conducted planting barley cultivars in five experimental clusters with different concentrations of treated wastewater. The project aimed to monitor the pilot plant operation and gather stakeholder attitudes to wastewater reuse through workshops and questionnaires.
This document summarizes a study that evaluated pesticide residue levels of imidacloprid and abamectin on tomato, cucumber, and pepper plants after spraying. Researchers sprayed the pesticides at concentrations commonly used by farmers in Palestine and measured residue levels on plant parts and in soil over 10 days using HPLC. Residue levels of both pesticides were higher than levels found in previous studies and exceeded maximum residue limits for the first 5 days. Abamectin residues were higher than imidacloprid residues, and both pesticides showed higher soil residues compared to plant residues. The degradation rates of the pesticides in soil followed first-order kinetics with high correlation.
- Universities and research institutions in developed countries play a leading role in providing data and analysis to inform policy on pollutants in irrigation water. They work closely with the private and public sectors.
- In contrast, universities and research institutions in developing countries have little contribution to policy evaluation and improvement. They operate in isolation without support.
- To improve governance of pollutants, countries need to understand current national models and learn from challenges. They must also develop plans to actively engage universities and research in monitoring, analyzing data, and advising upgraded policies.
This document describes using the Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) model as a decision support system (DSS) tool to evaluate water management options for the Tulkarem district in Palestine under different scenarios. Key points:
- WEAP was used to model the Tulkarem district water resources system, which includes municipal, agricultural, and other water demands and supplies.
- Stakeholder surveys identified the most important water management issues as agricultural management and physical/political water constraints.
- The model results can help water managers evaluate options to improve sustainable water resources development and management in the district.
This document evaluates water management options in Palestine to increase food security using the WEAP simulation model. It summarizes the current state of water resources and agriculture in Palestine, which faces restrictions from Israeli occupation. Three political scenarios are modeled from 2003-2025. Simulations show political status greatly impacts water availability and unmet demand, affecting food security. Water management modules like trading and pricing can reduce future water demand and positively impact food security in Palestine.
Fate and Mobility of Glyphosate Leachate in Palestinian Soil Using SoilMarwan Haddad
This document summarizes a study on the fate and mobility of glyphosate leachate in Palestinian soil using soil column experiments. The key findings are:
1) Using column studies, the amount of glyphosate in soil decreases with increasing soil depth, with the highest levels found in the 0-30cm layer.
2) Increasing the concentration of glyphosate applied also increases the amount of glyphosate found in leachate, with 25x concentration having the highest levels.
3) The behavior of glyphosate leachate fits first-order reaction kinetics and adsorption isotherm models, indicating glyphosate adsorbs well to soil.
Persistence and Mobility of Imidacloprid and Abamectin ResiduesMarwan Haddad
This document summarizes a study on the persistence and mobility of the pesticides imidacloprid and abamectin in greenhouse soil in Palestine. The study found that:
1) The degradation of imidacloprid and abamectin in soil followed second-order reaction kinetics and their leachability/transport to groundwater was rated as moderate to slightly high.
2) Both pesticides showed increasing adsorption on soil surfaces at higher concentrations.
3) The observed half-lives for imidacloprid and abamectin in soil were 61 and 41 days, respectively.
4) Mobility constants for both pesticides in the tested soil were higher than literature
The Response of Chickpea to Irrigation with Treated journal paperMarwan Haddad
This study assessed the effect of irrigation with treated wastewater (TW) versus freshwater (FW) on four chickpea cultivars over three years. Wastewater from a university campus was treated in a small-scale plant to reduce BOD, COD and EC to acceptable levels. Two cultivars, Bulgarit and ICC 11293, showed no reduction in yield or quality when irrigated with TW compared to FW. However, the WIR-32 and Jordan cultivars showed significant growth reductions with TW irrigation. Soil analysis found no significant differences between TW and FW irrigation.
The Response of Chickpea Cultivars to Irrigation with Treated WastewaterMarwan Haddad
This document summarizes a three-year study on the response of four chickpea cultivars (Bulgarit, WIR-32, Jordan, ICC 11293) to irrigation with treated wastewater versus freshwater. The results showed that the Bulgarit and ICC 11293 cultivars maintained yield when irrigated with treated wastewater, and even saw some biological growth improvements. However, the WIR-32 and Jordan cultivars showed significant yield reductions when irrigated with treated wastewater compared to freshwater. Soil analysis found no significant difference between the two irrigation water types.
Evaluation of Constructed Wetland as Secondary Wastewater TreatmentMarwan Haddad
This document summarizes a study that evaluated the performance and operational costs of a pilot UF/RO wastewater treatment and reuse plant near Nablus, Palestine over 2.5 years. The system consisted of a primary settling basin, vertical-flow constructed wetland (CW), secondary settling basin, and UF/RO pilot plant. The CW provided significant reductions in influent water quality parameters. However, the UF/RO membranes experienced rapid fouling that increased operational costs to an unacceptable $5.65/m3. While cactus and banana growth in the CW was good, orchard trees mostly died after two years. The CW was found to be a reliable and low-cost secondary treatment option, but
Irrigation Adaptation to Changing Water SupplyMarwan Haddad
1) Israel began constructing a separation barrier between the West Bank and Israel in 2002 without international consent. This barrier has negatively impacted Palestinians by confiscating farmland, destroying irrigation infrastructure, and limiting access to water resources.
2) The document analyzes how Palestinian farmers have adapted to cope with these impacts, such as increasing water storage capacity and documenting land/water resources. However, the barrier still undermines Palestinian livelihoods and violates international law.
3) Over a third of Palestinians will be separated from the West Bank by the barrier's completion. The International Court of Justice ruled Israel must dismantle the barrier and compensate Palestinians for losses due to its illegal construction.
This document summarizes a study on using limestone contactors to mitigate corrosion in small water supply systems that use acidic water. Laboratory and field experiments were conducted to evaluate limestone contactors. A mathematical model was developed relating limestone dissolution and the resulting water chemistry changes to contactor design parameters. The model was verified using laboratory column experiments. Field evaluations showed limestone contactors effectively reduced metals uptake from pipes. The document provides conclusions, recommendations, experimental methods and results on evaluating limestone contactors for treating corrosive water in small utilities.
limestone contactors- steady state design relationshipsMarwan Haddad
This paper presents a steady-state model for the design of limestone contactors. The model relates key design parameters like the depth of limestone required, influent and effluent water chemistry, limestone properties, and operating conditions. As acidic water passes through a packed bed of crushed limestone, calcium carbonate dissolves, increasing the pH, calcium concentration, and alkalinity of the water. The rate of limestone dissolution depends on the transport of calcium ions away from the limestone surface. When the pH at the surface drops below 9.5, the dissolution rate is controlled solely by ion transport away from the interface.
The document discusses creating green and sustainable schools and school buildings. It outlines two approaches to sustainability practiced in schools: through architectural and facilities design, and through green projects and activities. Key elements of sustainable schools are improving learning outcomes, partnerships with the community, and achieving positive social and environmental outcomes. Sustainable schools aims to provide engaging learning for students, create a healthier school environment, demonstrate leadership in sustainability education, and operate schools in a more sustainable and cost-effective manner.
This document summarizes the author's experiences with Palestinian-Israeli water negotiations and peace efforts from 1993-1995. It discusses key agreements between the two sides related to water sharing, including challenges around data sharing, joint management structures, and the transfer of water authority. The author notes difficulties in the negotiations due to both sides having different problem identifications, definitions of peace, and views on historic facts and water rights. Overall, the author argues that a just, long-lasting peace agreement on national and shared water resources is needed to avoid further harm, and that such an agreement requires comprehensive preparation and a mutual commitment to cooperation and shared living between Palestinians and Israelis.
An Islamic Perspective of Food Security Management Marwan Haddad
(1) The document summarizes an Islamic perspective on food security management presented by Professor Marwan Haddad at the Fifth Botin Foundation Water Workshop in Spain.
(2) It defines food security as food being available to all members of a society in reasonable quantities, at all times of the year, in safe quality, and at an affordable price.
(3) From an Islamic view, food security can be achieved through balancing resource availability and use according to Allah's commands and ensuring individual behavior aligns with Islamic principles through both individual responsibility and state institutions.