life is a road and you are its passengers so , be careful about the value of your times , maybe you wont be in the
road tomorrow
擯惠: 悽惆悋悋 愕悋 惆悋惘
擯惠: 惡拆惘愕............
擯惠: 惘悋 惘 惺 愆悋惆 惡悋... 悽惆 惠 愃擯 愕 惡悋 擯惘惆
擯惠: 悽惆 惘悋 惡惘悋 悴惺 悛惘 惆愕惠 愃 惘悋 惡惘悋 悋惠悽悋惡 惡惠惘 惆愕惠.....悛惘惆