1. Recruitment of PT. Pelindo, Plantation Institutions PTP IV, Pertamina, Bank BRI, KIP (Commission on Information and Broadcasting) as Tester and Correctors Psikotest
2. Leadership Training of Master of Public Health University of Sumatera Utara by Medan Outbound at Sibayak Resort, Berastagi North Sumatra as the Outbound Trainer.
3. Aqua and Psychological Consultation Bureau Humanika Solutama Project as Facilitator Psychological First Aid (PFA) of Mount Sinabung disaster.
4. KKSP - Kampung Anak Program at Sibolangit Campgrounds in North Sumatra as a Trainer.
5. Internships in Psychology Bureau Elviati Achmad Psi as Tester, Correctors and HR Interviewer as...