The document outlines the quadrants of responsibility between four individuals: Ann, Mike, Heston, and Jessica. It shows their primary and secondary responsibilities as well as specific tasks each person is responsible for. It also diagrams shared tasks between different combinations of the individuals.
2. Have I identi鍖ed and
Yes broken down the N
problem? o
Am I primarily Think:
responsible for the How do I de鍖ne the issue?
issue? N Is this a shared
What are the 2nd/3rd order
o responsibility?
N effects?
Yes Yes o What options do we have?
Do I need advice from Yes
others? Have I thought how to
N approach my partner? N
o Ye o Think:
You have the autonomy s How do I de鍖ne the
to act unilaterally. issue?
What options do we
Pick an appropriate
time to meet w/
Does my partner N
agree? o
Ye Provide your
s recommendation to
You have the autonomy Mike
to act bilaterally.
Resolve the issue