I am the person who belive in GOD . And respect my religion & having full faith in my WAHEGURU . This is the moolmantar from holy guru granth sahib ji, i have a kind requst to my profile visitors if u believe in god , so pls read this with shraddha and respect , and try to grasp what this lines try to convey us , and if u dont believe in god so kindly either dont read this or pls dont hurt the others feelings
"waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fatah"
waheguru . . .:
One Universal Creator God
爬伍┐爬 爬爬鉦┏爰
The Name Is Truth
爬爬萎┐爬 爬爰爬萎爰
Creative Being Personified
No Fear
No Hatred
爬爬爬鉦┣ 爬爰