hoPe u PeOpl fEeL iT VeRy TufFZ tO NdEsrTanD dIz BuT sEe ThE FrEaKin AmAzin PicHA B~Low It DeSicrIbes Me HaRsH KhArE and so it goOoOez wid ThE fOLLoINg..
tHe peOple wHoe KnOe mE aRenT aBle TOo dEscRiBe MoI aS thE hIdDen
tRuTh aNd cHaRcHTer LiES in DeFth wHeRin No OnEz AlloWed To PwEep in ..
tOo ThoSE wHoO KnOe Meh..
ThEr Is NoThin Tht DeY kNOe aBt Meh TeY wOlOd A RigOurs Time FinDinG me ..
If keEn InTersTd MaKe mE frN anD iF noT GeT O f f f Teh Reef !
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd DeYH Obess tehMoHi!
The etHeh ZRule Of LOpeH sCrUz To fRemaLO
Thy sEople seio thio SpeCial feScO teAmO
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