RAN Design|RAN Testing| RAN Planning| RAN Capacity and Performance monitoring|Technical Documentation|RAN Optimisation
Telecom / Mobile
A telecom professional having wealth of experience from design, lab testing, field trialling and planning to performance monitoring and optimisation of 2G, 3G and LTE Radio Access network. Excellent communication, technical documentation and good project management practices in mobile telecomm environment.
2G|3G|HSPA|LTE|RAN Design|RAN Lab Testing|RAN Field Trial| RAN Planning| RAN Performance monitoring|RAN Capacity Management|RAN Analysis and Optimisation solutions|NSN|IP/Ethernet Back-haul Monitoring, troubleshooting and optimisation|QoS|CX600|MapInfo|Mycom PrOptima|Atoll|Actix|TEMS|TEMS Discovery|Ericsson|Alcatel-Lucent|Technical Documentation|Project Management(PMI)|Founder and CEO...