When um good! No one's betta! When um bad! No one's worse! You're ma friend as long as ya dunt get on ma nerves! Puhleeez! Do nah ADD me coz um least interested! Um hea jus for ma friends! Yew think i gah attitude? Stay awf! Secondly .. Those guys & gurls who think can show themselves awf in front ov meh .. Lemmi tell ya! I'd luurrvee to kick em uppp! =P
I luv 'my friends & can do nethin' foe 'em! ;) I hate Justifications so dunt ask for it! Dunt force me to show ma worst side to u! I can be so bad which u can hardly imagine! Ask 'em who know me very well! A True ARIES! I possess awl de traitz ov a True aries ! Luuzaaarzz dunt add me ;) Apni pohoch mujh se bohot duur rakhiye! =P No one can