仄 lyK 留 si|侶t st0礆 w仆iC仆 cU仄x i侶 留 vri qUit w留y n' d0 留wl its wk i侶 留 vri U侶- dtct留于| w留y !
....i like being different n ajeeb .. i like ppl who dislikes me.. im a lil mad .. a lil sad .. a lil gud buh more bad .. i`ve heard it sumwhere that he who falls in love with himself will haf no rivalx.... i`ve met a few ppl who cnt understand me well .. im not an easy guy to get along with.. i try to b simple buh im all messed up .... u`ll mostly find me in a funny mood and theres no f**kin faint possibilty abt me 2 bcum serious... i pretend to be a dumb0 when i pretty much have the idea that sumbdy z tryin`a fake me out .. not hav precious time nd money for