Hi :> I am Hazel , I love the people that makes me Smile and make me Feel that I am Special .. Friendly , Lovable , Sweet , Sensitive , Always Happy ,They said I am Fun To be with , Cheerful and sometimes Naughty that's Me :> I <3 GOD , Family , Friends and of Course Myself :> I make excuses for everything , I am nowhere near perfect . I Laugh very Loud especially when I am Having Fun with My Friends :> watching movies , eating and of course FACEBOOKING are the things that I love to do when I'm Bored .. I <3 McDo Fries with Monster Coke Float( tpos sisipsipin ko ung nsa sachet na tomato ketchup hbang kinakain ung FRIES & ung tirang chocolate sundae sa float ay kukuhain ko ng straw ) So Yummy