My name is Hendri Surya Widcaksana, my Chinese name is Henry Lam Tay Chong, and my French name is Alain Henry Gauthier.
I was born in Pangkalpinang, October 22th 1996, i'm a man with Malay-Chinese descent, my mother was Malay-Chinese, my father was Javanese
I'm a part of OSN, Getug, Paris, Musang, and AX1S in Smanda. Like Social, Mathematics, Science, and many more..
Loves Vancouver Whitecaps, Montreal Impact, Wallabies, Manchester United, The Killers, Bodyslam, LionsXII, Coldplay, Harimau Malaya, Timnas Garuda, and her....
I'm an Anglophone which can speak English fluently and i expect in the future i will be a true Francophone which can speaks French fluently.
I love an inspirat