 Monitored network Quality of Service (QoS), KPI means RAB CS Voice, RAB CS SR Voice , RAB CS Video, RAB CS SR Video, Handover rate from 3g to 2g and wise versa, RRC CS SR, RRC PS SR , RAB PS Success rate , RAB PS drop rate ,RAB Video drop date , SHO Success rate and ISHO Success rate.
Post processing of 3g drive test log Files with Actix tool and analyze the DT KPI Like CSSR , Drop Call , Blocked call , Average HSDPA Throughput , Average HSUPA Throughput , CPICH RSCP,CPICH EC/No.
 Liasoning with client, Engineers and Supervisors for all the important activities going on.
 BTS-BSC Plan, preparation of the necessary BTS parameters, and parameter audit after on air of every new si...