The Centre Pompidou in Paris, France is known for its innovative exposed structure and mechanical systems. Key elements include:
1) A large exposed steel structure and color-coded mechanical systems on the exterior create an "inside-out" design.
2) Flexible floorplates are created through a structural system of hollow steel columns, trusses, and cantilevered gerberette beams.
3) The structure utilizes 13 identical structural bays to create column-free interior spaces for its various museum, library, and exhibition functions.
The document discusses different types of roof trusses including king post truss, queen post truss, Howe truss, Pratt truss, fan truss, and north light roof truss. It describes the advantages of roof trusses such as being cost effective, allowing for quick installation, and providing stability. Tubular steel trusses are discussed as being used for large span constructions over 25-30 meters. The advantages of tubular steel trusses include reduced maintenance costs and corrosion resistance compared to other materials.
The eastgate centre, biomimicry architecture, Binoy Job
Eastgate Centre in Zimbabwe
The Eastgate Centre in Harare, Zimbabwe,
typifies the best of green architecture and
ecologically sensitive adaptation.
The Eastgate Centre is a shopping centre and office block in central Harare, Zimbabwe whose architect is Mick Pearce. Designed to be ventilated and cooled by entirely natural means, it was probably the first building in the world to use natural cooling to this level of sophistication. It opened in 1996 on Robert Mugabe Avenue and Second Street, and provides 5,600 m族 of retail space, 26,000 m族 of office space and parking for 450 cars.
: - Space frame
悒愆悋悧 惶惡 悽 悋慍 惶惺 悋惆惺悋悋惠 悋惠愆悋惡悸 愀 惆愕 惓惓 愆惡 惡悋悴悋. 悒愕惠悽惆悋 悒愀悋惘悋惠 悋惷悋悄 惠惠惆 愕悋忰悋惠 悋愕惺悸 惺 悋愕惠悽惆悋 惺惆惆 悋惆惺悋悋惠 悋惆悋悽悸. 悋悴悋 惓悋 惺惠惡惘 悒愀悋惘 悋惷悋悄 惡愕惡惡 悋惶悋惡悸 悋悴惆 悋惓惓 悋愆 忰惓 惠 (惺慍 悋悋忰悋悄) 悋 惡悋愕惡悸 愆惆 Tension) 悋惷愃愀 Compression) 悖忰悋 惺 愀 悋 悋悒愆悋悧. 悋 惺惆悸 惠愀惡悋惠 惺悸 悵悋 悋惴悋 悋悒愆悋悧
In architecture and structural engineering, a space frame or space structure is a truss-like, lightweight rigid structure constructed from interlocking struts in a geometric pattern. Space frames can be used to span large areas with few interior supports. Like the truss, a space frame is strong because of the inherent rigidity of the triangle; flexing loads (bending moments) are transmitted as tension and compression loads along the length of each strut.
Corrugated bamboo roofing sheets are an environmentally friendly alternative to metal or plastic roofing sheets. They are made by weaving bamboo strips into mats, soaking the mats in adhesive resin, and pressing them together under heat and pressure to form sturdy, water-resistant sheets. Research showed that bamboo sheets provide better thermal insulation than zinc, plastic, or asbestos sheets. Bamboo also has higher bending and impact strength, making it a durable roofing material. Several government-funded projects in India have promoted the use of corrugated bamboo sheets for construction.
The document provides information about Vector Active structural systems. It discusses different types of Vector Active structures including flat trusses, curved trusses, space frames, and tree systems. Flat trusses are two-dimensional structures made of straight members connected at joints. Curved trusses have a curved top chord. Space frames are lightweight rigid structures made of interlocking struts. Tree systems use tree-like columns that branch near the top to extend over large spans. Case studies of projects using different structural types are also presented.
Arch is a curved structure designed to carry loads across a gap mainly by compression. The mechanical principle of the arch is precisely the same as that of the portal frame. The straight pieces of material joined by sharp bends are smoothed into a continuous curve. This increases the cost of construction but greatly reduces the stresses.
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The document discusses various surface active systems including folded plate structures, shell structures, barrel vaults, domes, and hyperbolic paraboloids. It provides details on the different types of each structure, their construction methods, advantages and disadvantages. A key point made is that shell structures can span long distances with thin materials due to their curved shapes distributing loads efficiently. Case studies of notable projects using these structural systems are also presented, such as the Sydney Opera House and Vidhan Sabha government building in Bhopal, India.
This document presents a comparative study of reinforced concrete (RCC) waffle slabs versus prestressed concrete waffle slabs. It aims to determine the most economical design for different span lengths, studying structural behavior through software analysis and manual calculations. For spans over 25 meters, prestressed design is found to be more cost effective. The document also reviews previous literature analyzing waffle slab optimization and behavior under different loading and boundary conditions.
Completed in 1978 the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts was the first cultural building designed by married couple Norman and Wendy Foster at their studio, which at the time was called Foster Associates and is now Foster + Partners.
Built to house the art collection of Robert and Lisa Sainsbury at the University of East Anglia in Norfolk, UK, the building is a 135-metre-long, simple lattice steel structure that is glazed at both ends.
Pneumatic structures are membrane structures stabilized by compressed air pressure. They are round in shape to create the greatest volume with the least material. The pressure needs to be uniformly distributed for stability. Common types are air supported structures, which use air pressure above atmospheric to support the envelope, and air inflated structures, which have supporting frames inflated with high pressure air while the interior remains at atmospheric pressure. Pneumatic structures offer advantages like light weight, rapid erection, and ability to span large distances, but require continuous air pressurization and have a relatively short lifespan. Common materials for the envelope include fiberglass, polyester, ETFE, and nylon.
The Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai is shaped like a sailboat and is 321 meters tall, making it the second tallest hotel in the world. Construction began in 1994 and was completed in 1999 at a cost of $650 million. The luxury hotel has 202 suites and features an underwater restaurant, the world's tallest atrium at 180 meters, and the world's highest tennis court.
The Guggenheim Museum in New York City was designed by architect Frank Lloyd Wright and constructed between 1956-1959. It has a distinctive spiral structure with galleries arranged in a continuous ramp around a large open space lit by a central skylight. In the 1990s, a controversial rectangular tower was added to the top of Wright's original design. The museum is located on Fifth Avenue near Central Park and houses the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation's collection of modern art.
The London Aquatics Center is an indoor facility with two 50-metre (164-foot) swimming pools and a 25-metre (82-foot) diving pool in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in Stafford, London.
Blobitecture is an architectural style featuring organic, blob-like building forms designed using computer-aided tools. The first blobitecture building was the 1993 Water Pavilion in the Netherlands. However, the style was popularized in 1995. Pioneering blobitecture architects include Greg Lynn, Zaha Hadid, Frank Gehry, and Peter Eisenman. London's City Hall, designed by Norman Foster, is a prominent example featuring a spherical glass structure that reduces energy usage through its optimized shape.
The document discusses different types of cable structures including:
1) Cable-stayed bridges and roof structures that use cables to support beams or roofs from masts or towers.
2) Tensile membrane structures that use pneumatic or prestressed membranes in anticlastic shapes like saddle roofs or synclastic dome shapes.
3) Tensegrity structures that are hybrid cable and compression member systems forming domes or frames.
4) Various examples are provided of notable cable structures like cable-stayed bridges and roof structures from around the world.
5 Master Architects:
2.Frank Lloyd Wright
3. Le Corbusier
Their about, works, design philosophies & quotes.
1. Long span structures are those with spans larger than 15-20 meters that require construction methods beyond ordinary reinforced concrete. They provide column-free interior spaces to reduce costs and construction time. Examples include stadiums, exhibition halls, and storage facilities.
2. Loads on structural systems include dead loads, live loads, wind loads, thermal stresses, and stresses from ground movement, vibrations, or earthquakes.
3. Common materials for long span structures are reinforced concrete, metal, timber, metal/concrete combinations, plastics, and fiber reinforced plastics.
a space frame or space structure is a rigid, lightweight, truss-like structure constructed from interlocking struts in a geometric pattern. Space frames can be used to span large areas with few interior support
Stasiun kereta api Satolas TGV di Lyon, Prancis dirancang oleh arsitek Santiago Calatrava. Bangunan berbentuk sayap burung dengan atap pelengkung besar dan kolom-kolom berbentuk tubuh manusia. Struktur form aktifnya menggunakan sistem pelengkung yang menopang ruang stasiun setinggi 39 meter.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang bangunan kantor The Gherkin di London. Bangunan setinggi 180 meter ini dibangun pada tahun 2001-2004 dengan menggunakan struktur diagrid dan inti baja untuk menopang beban horizontal dan gravitasi. Struktur diagrid dan inti bersama dengan penggunaan kaca berlapis low-e glass membuat bangunan ini ramah lingkungan dan efisien energi.
The MAXXI Museum in Rome, Italy was designed by renowned Iraqi-British architect Zaha Hadid. Completed in 2009, it features two museums for art and architecture across 27,000 square meters. The fluid building has no rigid separation between interior and exterior spaces, with intersecting walls that create both indoor and outdoor galleries lit by a glass roof. It helped establish Hadid's pioneering style of parametricism through innovative design and expansion of formal concepts.
The Bullitt Center is a commercial office building located in Seattle, Washington at the intersection of the Central District neighborhood and Capitol Hill. It was opened on Earth Day in 2013 as the world's greenest commercial building and later certified as a "Living Building" by the International Living Future Institute in 2015. The building was designed to generate as much energy annually from its solar panels as it uses and has exceeded expectations for energy efficiency, comfort, and indoor environmental quality in its first year of operation.
This document provides an introduction to a book that teaches readers how to write better essays in just 20 minutes a day. The book is divided into 20 lessons that each take about 20 minutes to complete. If readers study 5 lessons per week, they can become more powerful essay writers within a month. The lessons cover planning essays, drafting essays, revising essays, and taking essay exams. Completing the practice exercises in each lesson is important for fully understanding the material. Readers can use the sample answers at the back to check their work. The introduction describes the types of essays the book will address, including college application essays, class assignment essays, and standardized timed essay exams. It provides tips for successfully writing each type and emphasizes the importance
Arch is a curved structure designed to carry loads across a gap mainly by compression. The mechanical principle of the arch is precisely the same as that of the portal frame. The straight pieces of material joined by sharp bends are smoothed into a continuous curve. This increases the cost of construction but greatly reduces the stresses.
For more detail on Arch Systems and architecture engineering,
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The document discusses various surface active systems including folded plate structures, shell structures, barrel vaults, domes, and hyperbolic paraboloids. It provides details on the different types of each structure, their construction methods, advantages and disadvantages. A key point made is that shell structures can span long distances with thin materials due to their curved shapes distributing loads efficiently. Case studies of notable projects using these structural systems are also presented, such as the Sydney Opera House and Vidhan Sabha government building in Bhopal, India.
This document presents a comparative study of reinforced concrete (RCC) waffle slabs versus prestressed concrete waffle slabs. It aims to determine the most economical design for different span lengths, studying structural behavior through software analysis and manual calculations. For spans over 25 meters, prestressed design is found to be more cost effective. The document also reviews previous literature analyzing waffle slab optimization and behavior under different loading and boundary conditions.
Completed in 1978 the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts was the first cultural building designed by married couple Norman and Wendy Foster at their studio, which at the time was called Foster Associates and is now Foster + Partners.
Built to house the art collection of Robert and Lisa Sainsbury at the University of East Anglia in Norfolk, UK, the building is a 135-metre-long, simple lattice steel structure that is glazed at both ends.
Pneumatic structures are membrane structures stabilized by compressed air pressure. They are round in shape to create the greatest volume with the least material. The pressure needs to be uniformly distributed for stability. Common types are air supported structures, which use air pressure above atmospheric to support the envelope, and air inflated structures, which have supporting frames inflated with high pressure air while the interior remains at atmospheric pressure. Pneumatic structures offer advantages like light weight, rapid erection, and ability to span large distances, but require continuous air pressurization and have a relatively short lifespan. Common materials for the envelope include fiberglass, polyester, ETFE, and nylon.
The Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai is shaped like a sailboat and is 321 meters tall, making it the second tallest hotel in the world. Construction began in 1994 and was completed in 1999 at a cost of $650 million. The luxury hotel has 202 suites and features an underwater restaurant, the world's tallest atrium at 180 meters, and the world's highest tennis court.
The Guggenheim Museum in New York City was designed by architect Frank Lloyd Wright and constructed between 1956-1959. It has a distinctive spiral structure with galleries arranged in a continuous ramp around a large open space lit by a central skylight. In the 1990s, a controversial rectangular tower was added to the top of Wright's original design. The museum is located on Fifth Avenue near Central Park and houses the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation's collection of modern art.
The London Aquatics Center is an indoor facility with two 50-metre (164-foot) swimming pools and a 25-metre (82-foot) diving pool in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in Stafford, London.
Blobitecture is an architectural style featuring organic, blob-like building forms designed using computer-aided tools. The first blobitecture building was the 1993 Water Pavilion in the Netherlands. However, the style was popularized in 1995. Pioneering blobitecture architects include Greg Lynn, Zaha Hadid, Frank Gehry, and Peter Eisenman. London's City Hall, designed by Norman Foster, is a prominent example featuring a spherical glass structure that reduces energy usage through its optimized shape.
The document discusses different types of cable structures including:
1) Cable-stayed bridges and roof structures that use cables to support beams or roofs from masts or towers.
2) Tensile membrane structures that use pneumatic or prestressed membranes in anticlastic shapes like saddle roofs or synclastic dome shapes.
3) Tensegrity structures that are hybrid cable and compression member systems forming domes or frames.
4) Various examples are provided of notable cable structures like cable-stayed bridges and roof structures from around the world.
5 Master Architects:
2.Frank Lloyd Wright
3. Le Corbusier
Their about, works, design philosophies & quotes.
1. Long span structures are those with spans larger than 15-20 meters that require construction methods beyond ordinary reinforced concrete. They provide column-free interior spaces to reduce costs and construction time. Examples include stadiums, exhibition halls, and storage facilities.
2. Loads on structural systems include dead loads, live loads, wind loads, thermal stresses, and stresses from ground movement, vibrations, or earthquakes.
3. Common materials for long span structures are reinforced concrete, metal, timber, metal/concrete combinations, plastics, and fiber reinforced plastics.
a space frame or space structure is a rigid, lightweight, truss-like structure constructed from interlocking struts in a geometric pattern. Space frames can be used to span large areas with few interior support
Stasiun kereta api Satolas TGV di Lyon, Prancis dirancang oleh arsitek Santiago Calatrava. Bangunan berbentuk sayap burung dengan atap pelengkung besar dan kolom-kolom berbentuk tubuh manusia. Struktur form aktifnya menggunakan sistem pelengkung yang menopang ruang stasiun setinggi 39 meter.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang bangunan kantor The Gherkin di London. Bangunan setinggi 180 meter ini dibangun pada tahun 2001-2004 dengan menggunakan struktur diagrid dan inti baja untuk menopang beban horizontal dan gravitasi. Struktur diagrid dan inti bersama dengan penggunaan kaca berlapis low-e glass membuat bangunan ini ramah lingkungan dan efisien energi.
The MAXXI Museum in Rome, Italy was designed by renowned Iraqi-British architect Zaha Hadid. Completed in 2009, it features two museums for art and architecture across 27,000 square meters. The fluid building has no rigid separation between interior and exterior spaces, with intersecting walls that create both indoor and outdoor galleries lit by a glass roof. It helped establish Hadid's pioneering style of parametricism through innovative design and expansion of formal concepts.
The Bullitt Center is a commercial office building located in Seattle, Washington at the intersection of the Central District neighborhood and Capitol Hill. It was opened on Earth Day in 2013 as the world's greenest commercial building and later certified as a "Living Building" by the International Living Future Institute in 2015. The building was designed to generate as much energy annually from its solar panels as it uses and has exceeded expectations for energy efficiency, comfort, and indoor environmental quality in its first year of operation.
This document provides an introduction to a book that teaches readers how to write better essays in just 20 minutes a day. The book is divided into 20 lessons that each take about 20 minutes to complete. If readers study 5 lessons per week, they can become more powerful essay writers within a month. The lessons cover planning essays, drafting essays, revising essays, and taking essay exams. Completing the practice exercises in each lesson is important for fully understanding the material. Readers can use the sample answers at the back to check their work. The introduction describes the types of essays the book will address, including college application essays, class assignment essays, and standardized timed essay exams. It provides tips for successfully writing each type and emphasizes the importance
Research and writing skills success in 20 minutes a dayhlksd
This document provides an overview of a book that teaches research and writing skills that can be learned in 20-minute daily lessons. The book contains 20 lessons that guide the reader through the entire research paper writing process from choosing a topic to finalizing a draft. It includes pre- and post-tests to measure improvement. The lessons teach essential skills like finding and evaluating sources, outlining, writing a thesis, citation styles, and more. Completing the lessons and exercises in this book will allow one to learn how to write a successful research paper in a short period of time.
This document provides an overview of a book that aims to help readers improve their critical thinking and reasoning skills through 20-minute lessons over the course of a month. It contains an introduction explaining how to use the book, which presents lessons building on each other in a step-by-step manner. It also includes exercises within each lesson and answers to check understanding, as well as a pre-test and post-test to gauge progress. The book encourages active listening, keeping an open mind, considering all sides of issues, and separating feelings from facts to make well-reasoned decisions.
This document appears to be an exam paper for an Advanced Communication Skills course for Civil Engineering students. It contains 8 questions covering various topics related to communication skills, including maintaining rapport during interviews, writing emails and reports, achieving objectivity in technical writing, planning presentations, overcoming communication barriers, and transforming simple sentences into complex sentences. The questions require analyzing concepts, providing examples, and rewriting sentences. The paper provides guidance on answering 5 of the 8 questions.
Proofreading revising editing skills success in 20 minutes a dayhlksd
This document provides an overview of a book titled "Proofreading, Revising, & Editing Skills Success in 20 Minutes a Day" which aims to teach essential proofreading, revising, and editing skills through 20 short lessons that can each be completed in 20 minutes. The book introduces skills like understanding the writing process, writing clear sentences, shaping paragraphs, and avoiding common errors. It provides exercises to help readers practice and improve their writing abilities.
This document contains exam questions for a course in Advanced Communication Skills. It includes questions on topics like vocabulary, formal vs informal communication, technical presentations, interviews, writing essays, the status of English in India, rewriting business letters, and writing reports. Students are instructed to answer 5 of the 8 questions, which are worth 16 marks each. The test is worth a total of 80 marks.
This document covers guidelines for non-engineered or pre-engineered buildings in Nepal, including:
1. Limitations on building size, number of bays, and span lengths for pre-engineered designs.
2. Details on sizing concrete sections and reinforcement for columns, beams, slabs, and foundations.
3. Requirements for tie reinforcement in infill walls and distributing seismic forces.
4. Examples of beam and column reinforcement details.
This document provides specifications for pre-engineered metal buildings manufactured by MESCO Metal Buildings. It covers materials, structural framing, and roof/wall covering. The structural steel is designed according to AISC and AISI standards. Framing includes tapered or straight columns, tapered rafters, and cold-formed girts and purlins. Roof panels are available in standing seam or rib profiles in 26 or 24 gauge steel. Wall panels can be rib or architectural profiles.
Presentation by gursharan singh for engineeringcivil.comhlksd
This document describes a semester project on pre-engineered steel buildings completed by Gursharan Singh from June to December 2007. It provides background on pre-engineered buildings and discusses their components, applications, advantages over conventional construction, and design optimization work done as part of the project, including varying frame dimensions and loads. The project involved detailed literature review and design of pre-engineered building frames.
Pre enginnered buildings master-builder_july08, pp.48-62hlksd
This document discusses the selection of framing systems and roof/wall materials for pre-engineered industrial buildings. It describes two main framing systems - braced frames and unbraced frames. Unbraced portal frames are now more commonly used as they provide large column-free spaces and are simpler and more economical. Portal frames typically have spans of 30-40m and use tapered columns and rafters. Roof bracing and wall bracing are needed to resist loads perpendicular to the frame. The document provides details on frame configurations, connections, and considerations in choosing framing and cladding materials.
Pre-engineered building systems (PEBs) originated in the 1960s but their potential was only realized recently. An estimated 70% of new commercial buildings in the US use PEBs. PEBs involve fully fabricating building components in a factory according to design plans and then assembling them on site. They provide benefits over conventional construction like faster construction, assured quality, unlimited design possibilities, and lower life cycle costs. While PEBs are widely used globally, they are a relatively new concept in India but are growing rapidly and finding applications in industrial, commercial, and institutional buildings.
Pre engineered metal buildings - the latest trend in building constructionhlksd
Pre-engineered metal buildings use prefabricated steel framing and standardized components to provide a complete building envelope system. This allows for fast, economical construction of low-rise buildings like warehouses, factories, and houses. The key benefits of pre-engineered metal buildings are their speed of construction, design versatility, energy efficiency from insulated wall and roof panels, and lower long-term maintenance costs compared to traditional construction methods. They are well-suited for a wide variety of commercial and industrial building applications.
Pre-engineered buildings use tapered steel frames with varying thicknesses to optimize material usage, reducing weight by 30% compared to conventional buildings. The frames match internal stress diagrams. Secondary "Z" shaped members in pre-engineered buildings are lighter than conventional "I" or "C" shapes and allow for continuous strength when nested. Design and construction of pre-engineered buildings is quicker and more efficient than conventional buildings due to standardization.
This document discusses pre-engineered steel buildings. It begins with a brief history of how the concept originated from reducing steel usage in the USA. Then, it describes the typical design process which involves calculating loads, performing structural analysis and design, and optimizing the frame design. The key components of pre-engineered buildings are identified. Advantages like faster construction, lower cost, and seismic resistance are highlighted. Guidelines for design and the erection system are also outlined.
Pre-engineered steel buildings are designed and fabricated off-site using standardized structural components. They are lighter and more economical than conventional construction. The key components include tapered steel columns, rafters, purlins, girts, and sheet metal panels. Structural analysis and design are performed to calculate loads and optimize the frame based on factors like wind speed and seismic zone. Components are then erected on-site by connecting prefabricated pieces together using bolted joints.
This document discusses the design and analysis of pre-engineered buildings using STAAD Pro software. It describes how STAAD Pro can be used to generate 3D models, perform structural analysis, and design pre-engineered building components. The key steps in the STAAD Pro process are described, including model generation, meshing, material definition, load application, and result visualization. STAAD Pro allows for optimized design of pre-engineered building frames by tapering member cross-sections to match internal stress diagrams.
Pre-engineered buildings are metal buildings constructed from light gauge steel components that are pre-designed to fit together in various combinations. They consist of light gauge metal roof panels and wall cladding supported by rigid frames. Compared to conventional steel buildings, pre-engineered buildings have a more flexible structure allowing for greater deflection. They provide benefits such as fast construction, functional versatility through modularity, architectural flexibility, and low maintenance costs. However, they may have a relatively short lifespan and industrial appearance that cannot be easily altered.
This document discusses pre-engineered buildings (PEBs). It describes PEBs as metal buildings constructed from light gauge steel panels and frames. PEBs offer advantages like fast construction, functional versatility through modularity, and architectural flexibility. Key components of PEBs are identified, including rigid frames, roof and wall panels, purlins, and bracing. The document provides examples of PEB applications and concludes by comparing advantages of PEBs to conventional buildings like reduced costs, time, and weight.