my name is GITA MARETHA .. i was born in bandung , Indonesia on March 6th, 1991 ..
i was the second of three siblings (•ˆ⌣ˆ•)
i like to eat , sleep , watch movie and travelling .
my favorite foods are my mom's home-made (ˆڡˆ) .
i am currently majoring in PHARMACY .
now i'm busy with so many assignment ; working on journals n lab reports \(‾▿‾\) (/‾▿‾)/
you can call me GITA or GHIEGIT :))
i'm kind , diligent , intelligent , friendly , talk-active , funny , sensitive , sweet , mellow , simple , optimistic , jealousy
(hehe) , easy going and bla bla blaa .......
\( ´O` )> for anyone who wants to be my friends , i'll accept u with open arms.