Tuwaang is informed by the wind about a maiden in distress. He journeys to help her and encounters a giant who has burned her kingdom. Tuwaang and the giant fight, and neither gains an advantage until Tuwaang uses his magical pantung to defeat the giant and revive the dead. Tuwaang then takes the maiden to his homeland and later journeys as a wedding guest, where he again uses his skills and magic against threats.
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Fil tuwaang
1. ;_ 'i{
TUWAANG maidens of pinanggayungan. He is received in
house of the young.Man- of pangavukad, who
Published lgSB; 7925. Transcriber, E. Arsenio iour_
neys with him to the house of Batooy. There,
Manuel, The Maiden."f Buhong Sky, a Co,;ii;;, Tuwaang
Song From the Bagobi !:
is received. As he lies sleeping near the Maiden
FoIk Epic ho_oong, euezon of thi
Buhong Sky, the Maiden ,p"""kr, disrobes, and
Cty: UP Press, 195g. Transcriblr, E. Arsenio Manuel, plucks
a strand of Tuwaang,s iowlick. The Maiden tells
llrwaang Attends.a_Wedding, euezon City; Ateneo
University Press, 1925. Jurlaang her story: she has been running away from
the Young Man oi pangumanon, a giant whose
Tuwaang is the- epic of the Manobo, a head_
group dress reaches the clouds, who waits to marry her,
occrrpying the boundary area of Cotabato,
BukiXnon, Becauee. she rejected him, the young
and Davao in Mindanao, near the areas occupied Man of n"r.,g.r_
by manon has burnt her kingdom. Reckilssly pursued"by
and Tagbanwa. There are over 5O Tuwaani
songs, but thus far, only two songs from the
the gi;rnt, she has soughi shelter in the earthworld.
epic havE No sooner has she finished her tale when the
been published. Both aie in the Nianobo language
and Young Man of pangumanon, enyeloped. in
are perfon4ed during wa.kes,. weddings, flames,
, rituals, and hunts. The first is
tdikrgfi; arrives, killing Batooy,s people. The Voung
Man oi
Mangiaayt nuhing ni Panga.rukad, Tuwaang,s companion, is among
Langit (The Maiden of the Buhong"Sky), .e"o.auf, the last
ny he slays. Next, he attaiks Tuwaang. The
E. Arsenio Manuel an-d publish"? *iin an Englisir two warriors
translation in a_ journal in 1952. It was fight, but neither one of them gXins an advantage.
publishe? in Shields are smashed, ancl spelrs and blades are
book form in 1958. The other is Midsakip 'Ilren, the young
*o!..quy^ang Attends a Wedding), recorded ind broken. Man of pangumanon calls on
his,pan.turru, a span-long-iron bar endJwed with
published with an English translatiJn by super_
E. Arsenio natural properties, and coils it around fuwaang. bhe
Manuel in 1975. Manuel,s principal source for
the two pantung bursts into flames, but when Tuwaanglaises
songs was Saddani pagayaw, hiJcompanion
in Davao. his- right hand, the fire is put out. In turn, Triwaang
Pagayaw dictated the songs or, sepa.ite
occasions. He calls on his own pantung, i skein of gold. He calls
never-sung them, but learned them from
one who did,
the wind to fan the flames of his pantung, which
a. bard named Inuk, who belonged
to a family of Young pangumanon and kill him.
singers. Inuk, in turn, had learied Midsakop "pi. gngulf tl.rerevives Man of
poruoy from another bard, Itam. Tlyuung the dead folks by his spittle. Then,
riding the lightning, he carries the Maiden on his
. fuI song of the Tuwaang epic is inhoduced by the shoulder to his country in Kuaman. Tuwaang,s sister
singer with a proem or prelude known to the Manobo as the
greets them with betel chew, After resting for five
tabbayanon, which, intum, has twoparts: thetabbayanon
days, a stranger brings death to Tuwaang,sJollowers
proper, which elicits interest and often expresses the and challenges Tuwaang. 1'hey fight, aid Tuwaang
singe/s loves and dreams, and the bantangon, which overcomes him. The hero revives his followurc ur,i
announces the beginning of the song proper. The Manobo
takes another five-day rest. Afterwards, he gathers his
T=.urp".i{y receptive d.unng epic singing. Th"y express people to take them to the country of Katusan, the
their reaction-s
Eo"gh the ondion, hth; formof sighs, land without death and one of the heaventy lavers of
crie_s, a1d yells. Sometimes, their reaction lc expresied,
the skyworld. The people ride the sinalinfua, an airboat.
within hearing qf the sitrger, in words of appredation or Tuwaang places his,, sister and the Maiden on his
encouragement, from a simple word or phrase to a com_
shoulders and follows the sinalimba to Katusan.
plete poetic line.
In the second song, Tuwaang is a wedding guest
.Tu-!.rl sorg is about Tuwaang getting himself who becomes the wedcling
a wife. fu fust presented as un*uitirun""dept at found in the first song
groo*. Several motifs
making leglets, at engraving finger rings, ancl at mold_
r"cu. ir, Midsakop Tabpopa-
ruoy, such as the announcement of the problem'by
ing chains of gold. One day, hJte[s lis sister that the the wind,
the lightning rides, and Tuwaang,s making
wind has informed him about the Maiden of the Buhong friends along his way. Tuwaang tells his aunt that the
Sky. She has come to Pinanggayungan, the counhy oi wind has informed him about the wedding of the
Batooy, but she refuses to talk to iny of the gallants Maiden of Manawon. Although the aunt foresees trou_
there. Although his sister is fearful of what may result, ble, he is determined to attend the wedding, having
Tuwaang_soon gears himself to journey to Batooy,s given his y9.d. He prepares himself for thJjoumeyl
country. Transported by lightning, bedecked with iris taking with him his 6lade, his dagger, his shield, and
warrior's cosfume and headdress, and armed like a his spear. Riding
the lightning, he arrives at the kaw-
gallant, he becomes the object of admiration of the kawangan grassland, where h1 rests and hears a bird