" what's real, can't die "
+ fooling, drooling, rocka-roooolling bebeh..
+ traveling bug herself
+ fashionasty
+ hi-cholesterol, consistently
+ dig seafood, fresh water prawn is the bomb
+ mensan certified member
+ love 'anak bapak' movie. son of d'gun meh.
+ all time fav actor 'ar tompel'. 'adlin aman ramli' too
+ i read Dan Brown's books
+ i also read Stephenie Mayer's too!
+ gael garcia bernal
+ "fish spa" addict
+ "gossip girl" ... xoxo
all time favorite:
+ one republic : stop & stare, apologize
+ damien rice : blower's daughter
+ new radicals : someday u'll know , you got what you give
+ moonriver
+ the way u look tonight
+ my favorite mistake