I do仗't w留仗仗留 f留llsl .&&. 仄旅ss yuh for 仄y l旅f
丿h留t 仄 w旅th yuh,仄 仗oth旅仗g w旅thout yuh
丿h旅h o仄s to 留仗 仗d th留t YOU 留r 留ll MINS.
Noth旅仗g wo仗't b 留llowd to o仄 btw仗 us.
vyth旅仗g of your w旅ll blo仗g to 仄.
'C留us yuh blo仗g to M.
My l旅f dos仗't 仄留ttr to 仄
vryth旅仗g 旅仗 for仗t of yuh gos .留..留.r.t.
My 仄旅仗d,仄y h留rt 旅仗 short 仄y ..v..r.y.t.h.旅.仗.g. struks o仗 yuh(!!)
But,you wo仗't b 留bl to .l.o.v.. 仄 tru.
L留v 仄 留lo仗 .&&. 旅 k亳ow wh留thr 旅'll b 留bl to l旅v w旅thout yuh or 仗ot.