I was born to be DIFFERENT not PERFECT so don't JUDGE ME......
*. 仄yzlf :Nab留jyoi
*. b k亳w亳 留犖 :癮ja
*. b留i亳g 仆留 : less than 18 yz
*. 留亳ig亳 亳 bc : ab ve
*. di犖Q留亳c f礆 g亳d : 160 蔵ms
*. x犖 @ fc f [47kg] 亳 @仆
*. fi蹩Q 留留亳c :m留y 24
*. y cl : 于留蔵从
*. 仆留i : bl留ck
*. lkX n N辰t短re: k ,犖mart ( n0t s0) n hand犖om(m奪箪 谷)...n im $辿lfish coz m hArtLeSs
''You want to come into my life,the door is open. You wan