->I'm anything but OrdiNary,,!!!
->I"m the author of my LYF...!!!
->I'm not perfect, but I'm alWays me...!!!
->I love my FrienDs...!!!
->wHen you hAve crazy fRiends you hAve cRazy tImes,,!!!
->I'll be the bright siDe of yOur baD day..!!!
->I'm nOt igNoring U. I'm waiTing for you to talk to me first...!!!
->I keep my Head up, aNd neVer giVe up in my dReams...!!!
->No boyFriend No ProBlemS...!!!
->it is better to Be hater for wHo You aRe than to be LoveD for wHat you aRe not..!!!
->I learned to lie at soMe point beCause i reAlized that Not eveRyone
deServes to know the truth...!!!
->I'm not liVing in the paSt, I'm looking foRward to the Future...!!!
->I rOll with the bEst and not