Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to praised. ~ Proverbs 31:30
0' ',) ♥A piece Of her♥ (,' '0
sOme people wiSh to be pretty, rich and FamOus oR popuLar...but me?
I juSt want tO be HAPPY! :)
tO lived simpLy with full of happiness and Contentment..
Call me Old fashioned, but I actuaLly take reLationship seriously :)
As for the other half, I ask God guidance tO direCt me tO someOne whO shares the same faiTh and way Of life with minE, so that tOgether we will seek tO develoP a Christ-like character and always follow God and for God us our sOlid foundatiOn..