Bogova je više a JA sam samo jedan !
(28. septembar 551) - rodjen Konfucije
(28. septembar 1934) - rodjena Brigitte Bardot
(28. septembar 1841) - rodjen Žorž Benžamen Klemanso
(28. septembar 1983) - rodjen Ivan Joksimovic
Just one shark, with more little fishes in the sea!
I'm the little, wicked sprite from the fairyland, too kindly for hell and too nasty for paradise !
ElEcTrOnIcAl MuSiC Is SeX 4 My EaRs. CoNtAcT ThE SoUnD, LiStEn ThE SmIlInGs, FeEl ViBrAtIoNs, FlIrT WiTh CoLoRs, LiBeRaTe YoUr FiLiNgS! d-_-b ...♪♫♫♪♫♪...♪♫♫♪♫♪...
Electric, Eclectic, Erotic, Exotic, Eccentric, Euforick ...♪♫♫♪♫♪... that's I am ...♪♫♫♪