My LiiiFe iiiS a ...DaArKnNeZzS... To0taLº
I kno0w thaT i am a baD perso0n But others are thankful knowing me... Whats going on....Im conFuse perhaps Im not thaat bad but thats how I feel about myself....What should I do...What should I thiNk, Be or FeeL???
My life hasn't beeN how I want iT to Be...AnywAys I can Say thAt even though it has been harD Im tryinG to bE better and Get aLl thE poSitiVes thing that life iS offering Me....
I had plaN my life alrEady HopE everyThinG go is A seCret but sI resuLta Ill tell You...
My LiiiFe iiiS a ...DaArKnNeZzS... To0taLº
anyWayS ill conTinuE workiinG to Be bEtteR...!!!!!