Registration and Segmentation algorithm development on medical image
0. Jang Pyo Bae, Namkug Kim, Sang Min Lee, Joon Beom Seo, Hee Chan Kim, "Semi-automatic decomposition method of pulmonary artery and vein using two level minimum spanning tree constructions in non-enhanced volumetric CT", was under revision in Physics in medicine and biology.
1. Yongjun Chang, Jangpyo Bae, Namkug Kim, Joo-Young Park, Sang Min Lee and Joon Beom Seo, "Three-dimensional quadratic modeling and quantitative evaluation of the diaphragm on a volumetric CT scan in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease", Med. Phys. 43, 4273 (2016)
2. Jung Won Moon; Jang Pyo Bae; Ho Yun Lee; Namkug Kim; Man Pyo Chun...