Well... m sweet.. Carin.. love irritatin people n funny a times.. Love meetin new ppl n makin frndz.. Music is ma 1st love..
smart.. facebook addicted, kool, confident, like playin music n a kool singer too, hate studyin,,
like hangin out wid ma pals... m crazy abt k.k(he rocks).. Like cricket n roamin arnd..,
luv watchin movies..
.i luv to enjoy n like playin pranks wid ppl..
ma lifez got a lot of confusion, i need loads of time to take ne decision.. well, i know..i make dem rite..
i do wt i feel..
to conclude wid...wud like to give an advice,
follow two things in ur life for a better life
1. dont talk wen u r angry
2.dont tke the words seriously from the one who is angry.
to kn