i am a cOol gUy u kNw... n also am a committed middle class boy living with ma simple dreams n desires.
..alwAys i wanT to EnjOy ma litTile life...
..i Luv ma faMily bcoZ dat's ma woRld.
am always caRe of theM.tlL d End oF ma life.
am very actiVe,passionate.,luving...n also...am sensitive.. .!!!..
i hV loT..... of eMotiOnal atTachMentS, daT's ma...wEakNess.. ..
.Like..mUsic (rahmaniac)...musiC....fRnds!!..n..phOtogRapHy..{camera ManiAc }
..i mAke it a pOint to keEp in toUch wiTh my pAalS..Ss!...bCoz thEy R my streGth...n frnDShip is my grEat aSset....
i am ur best frnd. i have to give... frndship! dat's all!