I was born on April 10, 1996, my mother's name is Venus D. Felix and my father's name is Reynaldo D. Felix.
I have a two sisters and their name are Geneveve Grace D. Felix and Shyr Vivien D. Felix.
I'am Janelle Carmelie Dagdag Felix
or just call me "JAYNIEL, JANEL, JC" :) <3
I'm proud of myself because I'm lovable, sweet, kind and friendly, explore girl etc.
Important friends to me
My Bestfriend Kaylyn <3
Derick <3
- Tropz
Dre Rizza <3
Jenry <3
Friend Rizaldy <3
Cutie ko Mary Jane <3
Mark Alfred <3
Mommy Hazel <3
Abigail <3
- Friends
Irish <3
Jeffrey <3
Crush Ejelyn <3
Fatima <3
Carolyn <3
Sweetcake Roma <3
Sweetie Pie Princess <3
Chu Renz Carlo <3
Bhest Arvin <3