I luv playin' da piano... c0z LUV is lyk playin' da PIANO... 1st u muz
learn 2 play by da rules... dEn u 4get da rules en play from ur HEART...
yeah im 14 just turning 15 En im inluv... whethr u say i am or not. luv chooses u... luv
dont choose age...
<3 Relationship status:
Am happily inlove with the madlang pipol that loves me for who i am, not for what i am.. c0z they makez me smyl even wid d silliest stuffs.. they makez me think even wid d unthnkable remarx.. but wat i can't rili figure out is how they makez me smyl even wen they are out of sight.. I love them!
<3 Quotes for myself:
in my lyf der r many problems i face, sumtyms 2 hard for me to handle & sumtyms i easily