my very clOse frenDs used 2 col me DiOza..I lOve hOnesT and CoOL gAls and Dudes! LOve kita pag kaya mO aqNg inindihin.. kunG d mO kaya waG kna lang umeksena. MuaWh *+*!
I am a friend to keEp, I'm alwayS there when YoU needEd me the mOst.. I can easily understand yoUr mOOds and I AM VERY MUCH willinG tO knOw yoUr ever deArEsT desireS. I wiLL lOve yoU weather your life is On UP...down and IN-BETWEEN...
I will be a sOurce of Patience , Love and Strength, even when YOU'RE IRRATIONAL... SomEhOw brinG Out the BEST in YOU..even when takEn-fOr-grAnteD, I wiLL prOvide ur NeedS and DeSireS though ur the mOst Unpredictable creAture in the WhOle WiDE wOrlD..
This Is the real