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pipelines IN THE CASPIANBy: Ye-Ji Hwang
The CaspianRich natural resourcesCompetition US-RussiaRussia wants to remain Europe’s main supplierUS-IranOil to EuropeTurkey, Armenia, and Azerbaijan conflicts
Little Bit of HistoryNobel BrothersSoviet nationalism in 1920 and more oil discoveries in 1960’sOPEC establishedOver production, poor management, and too much water injected to the ground = declineOil production = “saving grace” to new independent nationsBefore the fall of the Soviet
Iran and RussiaIran turns to Russia because of sanctions1995 Clinton- Executive Orders (reaffirmation in 1997)1996 Mandatory sanctionsConoco withdrew left door open to Total and PetronasForeign oil companies pressured to leave Russia major player in Central AsiaShare interest of limiting US power in the regionCo-founded Gas Exporting Countries ForumSigned agreement July 2010Gazprom and Lukoil  increasingly involved
Around Caspian2007 Turkey and  Iran MemorandumBaku-Tblisi-Ceyhan oil pipelineTrans-Caspian gas pipelineCentral Asia-Center gas pipelineGazpromDauletabad-Sarakhs-Khangiran gas pipelineInaugurated  early this year
Russia’s pipelines through iran
Four Conflicts1. Ongoing problem between Armenia and Azerbaijan2. Tensions between Armenians and Turks3. US keeping pipelines out of Iran and Russia4. Iran and Russia’s legal issues1921 and 19401982 Law of Sea
Solution 1Support Trans-Caspian oil pipelinePipeline between Turkmenistan and AzerbaijanCan be collaborated with Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan pipeline in Turkey
Solution 2Support Kazakhstan’s new oil route to EuropePlans to triple exports in following years83% destined for EuropeHowever  only small portionCollaborative with Trans-Caspian pipeline then to Europe through Azerbaijan and GeorgiaAlready to Europe through Russia….China
Solution 3Support Dauletabad-Sarakhs-Khangiran gas pipelineTurkmenistan-Iran-TurkeyPressure by Washington to back out of IranSanctions on companiesRoyal Dutch ShellGlencose and VitolTrafigureBPReliance
ProposalSolution 1“Lobby” for Trans-Caspian pipelineOn-going routeIran faster- contradictionRussiaNot another Cold WarObama more engaging

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Russia’s pipelines through iran

  • 1. pipelines IN THE CASPIANBy: Ye-Ji Hwang
  • 2. The CaspianRich natural resourcesCompetition US-RussiaRussia wants to remain Europe’s main supplierUS-IranOil to EuropeTurkey, Armenia, and Azerbaijan conflicts
  • 3. Little Bit of HistoryNobel BrothersSoviet nationalism in 1920 and more oil discoveries in 1960’sOPEC establishedOver production, poor management, and too much water injected to the ground = declineOil production = “saving grace” to new independent nationsBefore the fall of the Soviet
  • 4. Iran and RussiaIran turns to Russia because of sanctions1995 Clinton- Executive Orders (reaffirmation in 1997)1996 Mandatory sanctionsConoco withdrew left door open to Total and PetronasForeign oil companies pressured to leave Russia major player in Central AsiaShare interest of limiting US power in the regionCo-founded Gas Exporting Countries ForumSigned agreement July 2010Gazprom and Lukoil increasingly involved
  • 5. Around Caspian2007 Turkey and Iran MemorandumBaku-Tblisi-Ceyhan oil pipelineTrans-Caspian gas pipelineCentral Asia-Center gas pipelineGazpromDauletabad-Sarakhs-Khangiran gas pipelineInaugurated early this year
  • 7. Four Conflicts1. Ongoing problem between Armenia and Azerbaijan2. Tensions between Armenians and Turks3. US keeping pipelines out of Iran and Russia4. Iran and Russia’s legal issues1921 and 19401982 Law of Sea
  • 8. Solution 1Support Trans-Caspian oil pipelinePipeline between Turkmenistan and AzerbaijanCan be collaborated with Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan pipeline in Turkey
  • 9. Solution 2Support Kazakhstan’s new oil route to EuropePlans to triple exports in following years83% destined for EuropeHowever only small portionCollaborative with Trans-Caspian pipeline then to Europe through Azerbaijan and GeorgiaAlready to Europe through Russia….China
  • 10. Solution 3Support Dauletabad-Sarakhs-Khangiran gas pipelineTurkmenistan-Iran-TurkeyPressure by Washington to back out of IranSanctions on companiesRoyal Dutch ShellGlencose and VitolTrafigureBPReliance
  • 11. ProposalSolution 1“Lobby” for Trans-Caspian pipelineOn-going routeIran faster- contradictionRussiaNot another Cold WarObama more engaging