I am socially awkward.
I am an introvert.
I am a movie goer.
I speak sarcasm as my second language.
I lack self esteem.
I procastinate too much. (But hates it)
I like to tweet random things.
I'd rather tweet than to post/like.
I love food so much.
I am a food enthusiast.
I love to blog random things.
I am very very random.
I love vintage stuffs.
I adore fashion.
Coffee runs in my blood.
I sleep late at night.
I love it when the rain pours.
I am a fan girl who stalks a lot.
I am nocturnal.
Singing is my intensity.
Spazzing out is my favorite subject.
I have a 1D infection. (it's random though)
Zac Efron is my first celebrity crush.
I live in a rainbow of chaos.
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