"I learn 2 lub da ful in me da 1 hu fails 2 much, talks 2much, tkes 2 many chances, wins sumtmes and loses often, lacks selfcntrol, lubz N h8z, hurts N gets hurt, promises and breaks promises, laughs N cries."
= im jenny de guzman bt u can call me jen,jenjen.jengotz,jenitotz,jeni potz,potpot,jeng or jengjeng
= divinian,taking bshrm
=lovable,sweet,pazaway,gu lucky girl,msyhin lalu n kung nza tbi ang
mga barkada,spoiled daw,friendly,sexy haha lol :))
=i'm a jealous one and a fighter.I can fight for my love.
=cimple girl contented for wat i hab
= im a good person but not like an angel,but i can be bad also but not like a disaster...