HapPy and coNteNted. <3
aq? simpLe lng.. mabait nman. ^_^
ndi peRfect xmpRe <i'm weak in many different aspects>
we have our own weakNesses (don't focus on mine). :p
i soooo love faShion. :) and i am sometimes described as "conServative na kiKay" <staying pretty without compromising. :)>
i Love muSic.. ♫
maArte din.. hehe.. piHikan.. mOody..
aNd you can neveR know me by just a gLance.. ^_^ mukHa kc aqng supLada sa uNa.. pRo naku. . . haha.. meju taHimik lng tLga aq..
to know me mOre, you can ask my family and my bhezty.. :)
oNly them, are the people wHo know the reaL ME. ^_^
aun lng.. ^^,)
Life Verse: Luke 1:37 "For with God nothing shall be impossible."