"If you cannot read this, please ask the flight attendant for assistance."
Kind Hearted, artistic, imaginative, charming and stronger than looks.......
U knew aL0t about mE Im just a simpLE guy wh0s LivinG in a simple LifE, c0ntentEd of what I have, m0st of ALL thankful f0r everything. Im a typical boy next d0or (ahem! Thats what they said!hehehe) but I cAn cope up with my noisy and crazy friEnds and g0 fL0oow
I d0nt mind what 0theRs might say about mE, whether its a p0s. or neg. thE m0st imp0rtant is that I kn0w myself m0rE than any0nE eLsE.
ÇI can speak France, Italian, Spanish, German and Korean Try me if u want!!