i laugh..i cry..i love..i hate..
signs that i am a normal being
i get hurt..i get jealous..
but i trust and i am faithful..
bcoz i love..and
i am loved..♥
..loved by peopLe whO stood with me no matter what..and accepted me whole-heartedly!
i live fOr the fUtuRe and nOt fOr the Past..I waLk by faiTh aNd nOt by siGht..
i see tHings differently, they say, cOz i aLways look at tHe bRighter siDe..
i am not afRaid tO take riSks if I knOw tHat i'LL be fightiNg a gooD fiGht..=)
I'm nOt afraiD tO faLL in Love aNd geT hUrt cOz i Love tHe feeLing of beiNg in lOve..aNd i knOw hOw tO haNdle a brOken heart..wiTh nO teaRs..=)
i knOw my priOrities..i know wHere I sTand..i knOw wHe