My name is Jocelyn Racho,
I graduated in DWCV,
Bachelor in Secondary Education, major in English,.
i Was BoRn On June 18, 1991,,
in Vigan City,PhiliPpiNes,.
my motto in life is:
"Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value."
i am D only chiLd Of My family,.
mY taLenT is singing,,
i lOve pLayiNg badminton,.
mY faVe dRinKs
Is aNythiNg
"basta my iCe" hehe,,.
d aq Mapili pagdatIng
s frieNd,,.
iLL accePt u
Wat evER Ur character is,,..
guS2 q kC maramiNg
frieNds,,laHat kau,,
hehe,,.mY faVe fOOd
iS secret,, hehe,,.
kaYa,, biGyan nyO aq,,
hehe,,.i LOve singing
coZ taLent q
tLaga un,nakZ!!!
i hOpe oL oF u
becoMe mY gOOd
kUng mag