where my head is held high.... a world that should start from me. All frolics r mine .... though I have them for u only, its not altruism either....May Almighty keep sake all ambrosial of capers and coverts for those whom he asks to bow down immediate next to Him i.e. My parents "waalid-e- buzurgwaar Janab S.V.H. Rizvi & Maadar-e-giraami Kausar Jahan......My brothers- my consanguinity, are my shoulders YET I don't keep them to wheels as i do to mine.... Oh !! i forget ..... you wanna know me...right.....John is so as to ride upon the storms & sore into oblivion of wisdom....wisdom is an allegory to a man.....John is an amatory dude....hmm...its just a rumor...life has taught me that love do