Poolmania is the most complete web platform for pool fans. In just 2 years, we have become the reference website for pool fans and professionals.
Poolmania in figures:
♦ 115%: Revenue growth in 2014 over 2013
♦ 30%: Percentage of international sales
♦ 110%: Yearly growth in number of unique customers.
♦ 50%: Percentage of recurring customers.
♦ 200€: Average ticket
♦ +95,000 monthly pageviews.
Poolmania in milestones:
♦ +400 registered clubs worldwide.
♦ +3000 items in our web catalogue.
♦ 10 sponsored players.
♦ Unique Spanish sponsor of the Eurotour.
♦ Distribution deals with: Kamui, Pechauer, Viking, Valhalla, Karma, Gorina, Mezz, Lucasi, Fury, Cuetec, Lo...