" 悋悴悋惺 悖忰. 惠 忰惆惆 悵 悋 悋悋悋惠 忰悋悸 愆悽惶 悋 惺愆 惺 悛悽惘. 悋 悖 悖 忰惶惘悋 惡愕惡惡 悋惺惆悸 悋惠 惠惺愆 惺 惠悋悧悴 悖愆悽悋惶 悛悽惘 悋惠惘. 悋 惠惆惺 惷悴悴 悛惘悋悄 悋悛悽惘 愃惘 惶惠 悋惆悋悽 ".-- 愕惠 悴惡慍
"Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish. Your time is limited, so dont waste it living someones else's life. DOnt be trapped by Dogma which is living with the results of other people thinking. Dont let the noise of others opinions drown out of your inner voice".-- Steve Jobs