i have bipolar disorder...........therefore, i'm dangerously unpredictable..09103911516
9 wORdS ThAT DEsCRibE mE At mOSt:
GOOD: I’m a gUd person. Nice, hOnest, Loyal, thOugHtful, kiNd ..
LAZY: I loVe beinG lAzy, jUst haNging Around Doing nOthing, wAtching Movies, rEading, ListeNing tO mUsic, Or Whatever.
SHY TYPE: I’m actUally a Very sHy pErson. WhEn I wAs a kid, Although I got ovEr that later. Anyway up to now, I’m quiet and shy around people I’ve just met.
FUNNY: After I get to kNow people better aNd am more relaxed arOund them, I Open up and am quite a funny and fun person.
UNDERSTANDING: I’m a vEry undErstandiNg persOn. I always pUt myself in thE othEr person’s shoEs an