I write, therefore, I am.
I multi-task like it's my job.
I have two kids.
I own a dog. She has abandonment issues.
I love my family.
I read as much as I can.
I'm a news junkie.
I have tattoos.
I'm superstitious.
I like fashion - but I'm no slave to it.
I love the Texas/Red Dirt music scene
I am easily distracted or extremely tunnelvisioned.
I think the universe has plans for us all.
I don't like Ketchup.
I enjoy listening to music really loud.
I sing well (in my car).
I am afraid of snakes.
Since 2008 I've walked 180-miles in to raise money for Breast Cancer research.
I think these boxes are too narrow.
I long to own a writer's cottage in Ireland.
I'm good in a crisis.