""Smiles" is d melOdy of d sOuL.. it is the One oF thE mOst impOrtant pArt of yOur pErsOnaliTy, it is a mIrrOr that reFlects the gOod thiNgs insiDe Of yOu.. "wOrk" is d sErvice oF d spirit.. "LoVe" is d giFt of hEaRt..
sUm xPect mE 2 b "PERFECT"
bT iM nOt, fOr nObOdy is,
I hAb my mistAkEs, weAkneses & fEars
bt im cOntentD 4
watEver lyf i hAb..
It dsnt mAter wEr i Came fRm,
my title oR my FamiLy nAme..
It aLwys dgnity as a pErson dat cOunts..
others mAy sEe Me as a STONE nOt a GEM, &
dnt gVe a damn..
I knw WHO I AM..
hOw i cArE 4 pipOl i Love..
wAt i tink & wAt i fill..
"Me, Myself, & I"..
nOt PERFECT bT juSt thE Way..
I wAnt iT tO be..