JAKT is a design and development consultancy that uses technology to solve problems for entrepreneurs and corporations. They have a diverse team with skills in mobile development, web development, databases, and virtual reality. Some of their clients include startups looking to build their first product, funded startups needing additional development resources, and large companies needing help solving technical challenges. One example project discussed is for Rchery, a mobile advertising platform where they built an Android app, web application, and API using Angular, Django, and Android. For IDEO, they created an innovative and interactive case study website using techniques like panoramic images and audio visualization.
Para realizar divisiones en una fresadora se requiere un cabezal divisor que sostenga y rote la pieza. Existen varios tipos de cabezales divisores, incluyendo divisores simples con engranajes, divisores con plato y engranajes, divisores con tornillo sin fin y divisores diferenciales. Los divisores m叩s avanzados como los universales y con engranajes sat辿lites permiten una mayor variedad de divisiones y manipulaciones de la pieza.
The document discusses the proper use of tense in sentences. It provides examples of sentences that are logically correct and incorrect based on whether they mix past and present tense verbs. A sentence with verbs in both past and present tense is generally incorrect, unless the specific context makes it logical. The last part of the document provides an exercise for the reader to identify which sentences are logically correct versus incorrect based on their tense.
This document provides information about various wilderness conservation efforts and volunteer opportunities with Friends of Nevada Wilderness. It discusses a new public lands bill process that could designate new wilderness areas in Lyon and Mineral Counties, Nevada. It also profiles longtime Friends volunteers Ursula and Howard Booth and their contributions to protecting Nevada's wild places through restoration projects. Additionally, it summarizes Friends' volunteer activities over the summer, including projects for National Public Lands Day and assisting with landscape restoration at the Burning Man festival.
This document outlines the assignments completed by a student, Clint Quappe, for a class project on augmented reality in the workplace. It discusses the development of an augmented reality product called VirtuGlass, including naming, branding, logo design, website wireframes, and visual designs. Research was conducted on augmented reality technology capabilities and examples from other companies. The final deliverables included social media pages, a prototype website, and a tagline for the VirtuGlass product.
El Paso City Council 04.15.2014 Agenda Item 4.4epdevelopment
An Ordinance releasing all conditions placed on property by Special Contract dated June 3, 1970, and Ordinance No. 10030 which changed the zoning of Lot 3, Block 40, Cedar Grove Park Unit Five Replat A, 7380 Alameda Avenue, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas. The penalty is as provided for in Chapter 20.24 of the El Paso City Code. Subject Property: 7380 Alameda. Property Owner: City of El Paso, Texas. PZCR13-00009
District 3
Este documento describe la estructura de archivos y carpetas en la computadora de Miguel Angel, incluyendo archivos de sus semestres de 5o y 6o como estudiante. Contiene m炭ltiples carpetas y subcarpetas con documentos acad辿micos como tareas, proyectos y presentaciones; as鱈 como archivos de configuraci坦n, im叩genes y otros archivos de soporte. La estructura muestra la organizaci坦n de los trabajos escolares de Miguel Angel a lo largo de varios semestres.
Este documento presenta un blog llamado "Recuperando nuestro Pasado" que contiene videos, im叩genes, textos y relatos sobre las costumbres y tradiciones del pasado de varios pueblos. El blog anima a la participaci坦n p炭blica enviando contribuciones en diferentes formatos y ofrece contenido como un video sobre el pueblo de Canj叩yar y fotograf鱈as de actividades realizadas por los mayores en el pasado.
El documento habla sobre el tiempo y el espacio en la sociedad contempor叩nea en comparaci坦n con las visiones tradicionales, y c坦mo el ciberespacio y sus flujos han dado lugar a comunidades virtuales.
Este documento describe las ventajas y desventajas del uso de Internet y la tecnolog鱈a. Algunas ventajas incluyen acceder a informaci坦n, comunicarse con otros y jugar videojuegos, mientras que algunas desventajas son la exposici坦n a contenido inapropiado, el acoso cibern辿tico y la p辿rdida de privacidad. El documento tambi辿n ofrece consejos sobre c坦mo navegar de manera segura en Internet, como no compartir informaci坦n personal con desconocidos y contarle a un adulto sobre cualquier situaci坦n que cause preocupaci坦n.
The document summarizes an application for incentives under the City's Infill Development Incentive Program by RNR Properties to develop a vacant lot at 5000 Riley Ct. into a 10-unit apartment complex with over $800,000 of investment. The proposed incentives include a property tax exemption for 5 years based on investment level, construction fee waivers up to $10,000, and a construction materials sales tax rebate. The development is expected to generate over $1.3 million in total economic output and support nearly 10 local jobs.
The mechanical donkey is a friendly-looking transport vehicle made of gold plates and designed to look like a donkey. It operates using a steam-carrot engine, with carrots socketed into the engine to fuel its movement. The donkey is easy to control using sticks connected to its carrot-powered engine and pneumatically-enhanced hooves, allowing it to reach lightning speeds. It can also carry other mechanical animals, making it a very useful future form of transportation.
Este documento resume el proyecto de aprendizaje sobre dinosaurios realizado por un grupo de estudiantes. Comenzaron investigando lo que sab鱈an y quer鱈an aprender sobre dinosaurios. Luego exploraron conceptos como las medidas, los h叩bitats, las eras y las causas de extinci坦n de los dinosaurios. Realizaron actividades pr叩cticas como dibujar, pintar y construir modelos de dinosaurios y volcanes. Al final, resumieron todo lo aprendido en un mural colaborativo.
This document provides an overview of key facts about Hanoi, Vietnam. It discusses that Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam, located in Asia. It notes statistics on the size of Vietnam and Hanoi, their populations, and official languages. Important historical figures, sites, and Olympic venues are also mentioned. The document concludes by wishing the reader found the information interesting.
1. The document discusses the concept of derivatives and average rate of change in calculus. It provides examples of taking the derivative of several common functions like x^n, sin(x), cos(x), and tan(x).
2. Examples are given of calculating the derivative of each function by taking the limit as h approaches 0 of the difference quotient (f(x+h)-f(x))/h.
3. For each example, the document shows that the derivative is equal to the known formula such as nx^n-1 for f(x)=x^n, cos(x) for f(x)=sin(x), etc.
Borobudur adalah candi Hindu-Buddha yang dibangun pada abad ke-9 di bawah dinasti Sailendra di Kerajaan Mataram Kuno. Candi ini terletak di Magelang, Jawa Tengah dan memiliki delapan teras batu dan stupa besar di puncak. Desain Borobudur melambangkan struktur alam semesta dan mempengaruhi kuil-kuil di Kamboja.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.
Este documento presenta un blog llamado "Recuperando nuestro Pasado" que contiene videos, im叩genes, textos y relatos sobre las costumbres y tradiciones del pasado de varios pueblos. El blog anima a la participaci坦n p炭blica enviando contribuciones en diferentes formatos y ofrece contenido como un video sobre el pueblo de Canj叩yar y fotograf鱈as de actividades realizadas por los mayores en el pasado.
El documento habla sobre el tiempo y el espacio en la sociedad contempor叩nea en comparaci坦n con las visiones tradicionales, y c坦mo el ciberespacio y sus flujos han dado lugar a comunidades virtuales.
Este documento describe las ventajas y desventajas del uso de Internet y la tecnolog鱈a. Algunas ventajas incluyen acceder a informaci坦n, comunicarse con otros y jugar videojuegos, mientras que algunas desventajas son la exposici坦n a contenido inapropiado, el acoso cibern辿tico y la p辿rdida de privacidad. El documento tambi辿n ofrece consejos sobre c坦mo navegar de manera segura en Internet, como no compartir informaci坦n personal con desconocidos y contarle a un adulto sobre cualquier situaci坦n que cause preocupaci坦n.
The document summarizes an application for incentives under the City's Infill Development Incentive Program by RNR Properties to develop a vacant lot at 5000 Riley Ct. into a 10-unit apartment complex with over $800,000 of investment. The proposed incentives include a property tax exemption for 5 years based on investment level, construction fee waivers up to $10,000, and a construction materials sales tax rebate. The development is expected to generate over $1.3 million in total economic output and support nearly 10 local jobs.
The mechanical donkey is a friendly-looking transport vehicle made of gold plates and designed to look like a donkey. It operates using a steam-carrot engine, with carrots socketed into the engine to fuel its movement. The donkey is easy to control using sticks connected to its carrot-powered engine and pneumatically-enhanced hooves, allowing it to reach lightning speeds. It can also carry other mechanical animals, making it a very useful future form of transportation.
Este documento resume el proyecto de aprendizaje sobre dinosaurios realizado por un grupo de estudiantes. Comenzaron investigando lo que sab鱈an y quer鱈an aprender sobre dinosaurios. Luego exploraron conceptos como las medidas, los h叩bitats, las eras y las causas de extinci坦n de los dinosaurios. Realizaron actividades pr叩cticas como dibujar, pintar y construir modelos de dinosaurios y volcanes. Al final, resumieron todo lo aprendido en un mural colaborativo.
This document provides an overview of key facts about Hanoi, Vietnam. It discusses that Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam, located in Asia. It notes statistics on the size of Vietnam and Hanoi, their populations, and official languages. Important historical figures, sites, and Olympic venues are also mentioned. The document concludes by wishing the reader found the information interesting.
1. The document discusses the concept of derivatives and average rate of change in calculus. It provides examples of taking the derivative of several common functions like x^n, sin(x), cos(x), and tan(x).
2. Examples are given of calculating the derivative of each function by taking the limit as h approaches 0 of the difference quotient (f(x+h)-f(x))/h.
3. For each example, the document shows that the derivative is equal to the known formula such as nx^n-1 for f(x)=x^n, cos(x) for f(x)=sin(x), etc.
Borobudur adalah candi Hindu-Buddha yang dibangun pada abad ke-9 di bawah dinasti Sailendra di Kerajaan Mataram Kuno. Candi ini terletak di Magelang, Jawa Tengah dan memiliki delapan teras batu dan stupa besar di puncak. Desain Borobudur melambangkan struktur alam semesta dan mempengaruhi kuil-kuil di Kamboja.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.