Pastor principal Paris V Hispana
Fédération France-Nord des églises adventistes du septième jour
Human Resources / Recruitment
2015 Qualification of Leisure Time Coordinator ( free time School CARPE VITAE )
2014 Symposium of Theology Biblical Eschatology ( Adventist Theological Faculty Sagunt Spain )
2012 Symposium of Theology Science and Faith ( Adventist Theological Faculty Sagunt Spain )
2010 Symposium on Biblical Hermeneutics Theology Today ( Adventist Theological Faculty Sagunt Spain)
2005 European Congress of Education and Family (Madrid)
2004 Course on Human Rights (European Parliament Madrid- Spain) on Human Rights Practices Camilo Jose Cela High School Madrid Spain
2004 Course of Intercultural Social Mediation (EMSI) Social Practices Intercultural Mediator (Community of Madrid Spain)