yOYoyO!!! All U ppl OUt thErE...I Am whO I Am...haHaha...kK...if u haVeN't gueSsed by now, I am JURY as in Jurisdiction or Jurisprudence, fiRst man cReaTed on eaRth...haHaha... I lIvE in dumaGueTe ciTy wHiCh is siTuaTed suMwHeRe near de eQuaTor On EArth...haHaHaha...I hAVe baRBeCued diFfErenT coURSes.....haHaha...BSME, BSJ, LLB, MPA, BSMS, and sHOrt coURSes in cOmpUteR aPpLicaTiOn.....hahaHahaHa..... I HaVe bEen a cAMpUs FigURe duRing my sTuDenTry....haHaha....iMAgiNe LeaDer of difFErent cAmPus orGAniZaTion, PreSideNT of a stUdeNt goVErnMent...whew... Am lOOkIn 4wArd 2 mAkIn sOmE EArthly frEnZ...if u'Re aLien, i sTil woN't miNd...haHaha...jEsUs Is my frnd...lUv U All...THe End iS nEAr...CHaN