B cool n Njoy thy Swt Pals of Lif......n ...If u Thnk Tht U r Bored With Ur Lif Thn Cum With Me n Tak Shisha After Takin Shisha Evtrythng Will B Alright...Definatly........
frm JUS SID Thy Suprsta...
モ In L()ve wIz Musik|||
.....HeY GuYs tHs iS...
.....仄 id.....
....."仆 旅仄留 蔵从".....
I m cool in nature
i like to make frnds(spcl girls)
i dont like road romios nd foolish guys
i m fashionable nd i prefer only designer clothes in any parties
nd 4 regular wear i prefer very simple
im totally mad
n i dnt belong 2 ths world....