I d0n't expl@in mys3lf!!
my fr3inds und3rstand & the r3st w0uldn't b3li3ve m3 anyw@y...
¤¿?....BeFoRe U jUDgE hOw I LiVE mA LyF....¿?
i $uGgEsT yOu "tAkE a GoooD LoOoOK aT yUr oWn..... ♥ ,,,
'"I aM WhO i Am....♥
Ur AppROvAl iZ nOt NeEDed"'....
i Dnt Lyk PeOpLe dRIvInG FaSt....tHatSwHy I OverTAkE
God is pretty creative. well i mean look at
me.!! :) ♥ ♥ :p
I like Rumors,
I found out so much about me that i didn't
even know ! ;)
@Don't try to understand ''ME'' completely. If
you do, then either you'll go mad.. or you'll
start loving ''ME''..!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
§€££ I don’t believe in the word: “regret." I believe in the
phrase: “I know I